
Accelerating culture-building with a brand new control centre for a Slack-integrated app

My Role - Solo Case Study

Timeline - 4 Weeks Design Sprint

Tools Used - Figma, Feather Icons

Key Contributions - Project Management / Concept Ideation / Competitive Research / User Research / Prototyping / Interaction Design

User Research


ldo Silva CultureLike CEO/Founder


For this opportunity I worked with CultureLike, in particular, the CEO/Founder Aldo Silva. Aldo's startup was on a mission to empower employees with the ability to create the culture they want. 

To accomplish this he had created an app that integrated with Slack and automated the trickiest parts of building a rockstar culture.

Company culture on autopilot

A Slack-integrated app to find, coordinate and report on culture-building activities in the workplace has already been built

How might we build an accompanying dashboard to control, report and summarize the results of the app's endeavors?

Building on a Successful Integration

An accompanying dashboard for a slack app

Since Aldo already had the app in beta testing our team would create the back-end dashboard for the Slack-integrated app. Our dashboard would give staff tasked with culture-building the ability to see and control the results of the app's planning, polling and surveying.

After speaking with Aldo it was quickly apparent that we'd need to create two separate dashboards. My UX partner and I decided to tackle one dashboard each. I would take on the dashboard to be used by HR staff and my partner would work on the dashboard for contractors that would be hired by HR staff

Project Goals

Seemingly Simple, but Ambitious

With the dashboard I'd create, the goals revolved around the person who would be organizing the activities. Most likely a member of the Human Resource team.

Goal #1: Create and coordinate events with feedback from staff

Goal #2: Find professionals needed to host culture-building activities

Goal #3: Report on event success/feedback from staff

Goal #4: Slack app functions can be completed in the dashboard​​​​​​​

Learning About Our Users

To learn about the lucky individuals tasked with building the culture of their workplace I sent a survey to a targeted set of contacts that were in HR roles. I then took the responses through a card sorting exercise to find common themes amongst the respondents.

Insight #1

Top-down decisions

Companies from respondents have a very top-down approach for culture-building activity selection. Typically, team members in management roles decide on the activity and share it with the team.

Result: The app allowed teams to vote on their activities so the dashboard would need to collate and highlight activities staff preferred the most.

Insight #2

Company goals > Staff wants

Activities were typically chosen based on their alignment to company goals rather than what the team members would prefer.

Result: HR staff would need the ability to suggest/add activities that team members could consider along with the activities that the team members suggested.

Insight #3

“What feedback system?”

Team members had no formal systems in place to provide feedback on activities that they liked or had participated in previously.

Result: The app had functionality built into it for team members to rate the activities. As a result, the dashboard would highlight popular activities and contractors as rated by participants.

From Findings to Features

Syncing app and dashboard functionality

For the final piece of the research phase I wanted to define how the process for creating an event would work from the viewpoint of the event organizer.


Turning Scribbles to Prototypes

Constructing the solution

With all my research and conclusions in mind, I started building the dashboard. Starting with some rough sketches on paper, I drew up some ideas on the whiteboard, sought feedback from my teammates and then brought the final ideations to life in Figma

User Testing

Does It Actually Work?

I conducted five user testing sessions from the activity organizer's perspective as well as tree testing to ensure that the information architecture of the HR Dashboard made sense.

Change #1

Refined labels

From the information architecture survey, 80% of testers would search through other tabs before selecting the right one when asked to "view feedback about an activity" or "adjust their profile settings". 

After refining the labels, the correct tab was more obvious.

Change #2

Adding better clues

Numbers were added into the titles of the filters so that it would be easy to see if there was an item that required attention rather than a user having to click through all the tabs to see if there was something in there for them.

Now That It works, Make It Smaller

Building the mobile solution

A central task for this project was to create a design that also worked for mobile devices. Thankfully, I had made the cards stackable which allowed me to build the exact same functionality of the dashboard into the mobile version.

Final Products

Getting Closer to Reality

After I updated the mid-fidelity prototype I animated the prototype so that it was a closer reflection of how our users would be interacting with the app.

Getting Started

Clear and Simple Onboarding

New dashboards can be intimidating so I built this onboarding experience to focus on giving the user a high-level overview of the functionality and then connecting the dashboard with Slack.

Survey & Poll Creation

Learning What Staff Want

Two types of initial polling options were created to gather information about what activities staff prefer and are available for. Surveys gauge a team's availability and their ideas for activities. Voting polls help determine the staff's preferred activities. 

To make the distinction clearer, separate flows were created for the two options, but both had the same starting point.

Viewing Details

Same Page Overlays

An overlay was used to show the details of any card that was selected. I chose this method so that navigation was simpler and users would not need to navigate very far to find the information they needed.

Mobile Viewing

Small, but Still Powerful

The navigation bar in the desktop version is tucked neatly away while the calendar is hidden away at the bottom of the mobile screen as a separate card. As a result, everything is still accessible, no functionality is lost, and the organizer isn't overwhelmed with information all over the screen.

Ideal for busy professionals on the go!



